Getting in shape for summer

With summer just around the corner, it’s time to get in shape.  Summers are best spent enjoying outdoor activities from going to the beach to hiking to playing sports and many more. Over the winter, you may have gained a few pounds though. That’s okay because there is plenty of time to burn off that fat and gain some muscle before the official beginning of summer. Don’t want to go to the gym? That’s fine too because Flex Fitness Equipment fits all your needs when it comes to decking out your home gym. They provide top of the line equipment that is both durable and affordable. From cardio machines to free weights to machines and other accessories, they have everything you need to make your home gym dream a reality. Here are some tips to get in shape this summer:


Set a Goal

By setting a goal, you have something to work for each and every day. It’s one thing to get in shape but if you set a specific goal to lose a certain amount of weight, increase your bench press or run a road race, you are more apt to complete it. Be realistic with your goals and set both short-term and long-term ones. Track your progress and keep the goal written down someplace where it is visible to you each day.


Perform Cardio

Cardiovascular exercise is essential to healthy living. Also known as aerobic exercise, cardio can involve anything from walking, running, biking and much more. Do you enjoy running on a treadmill? Perfect because we have the best treadmills available from high-quality brands such as Lifegear, Tunturi and Bremshey. It is recommended that you perform at least 150 minutes of moderate cardio exercise per week or 90 minutes of vigorous exercise. A healthy heart and lungs, decreased body fat and increased aerobic endurance are some of the many benefits of performing the recommended amount of cardio exercise each week.


Resistance Training

Lifting weights is good for everyone. Whether you are young or old, man or woman, it is recommended that you participate in some form of resistance training twice per week. Resistance training can range from lifting free weights, completing bodyweight exercises, using exercise machines or utilizing some other form such as resistance bands. Aim to hit each of the major muscle groups twice per week to receive the benefits of increased muscle mass, decreased body fat and improvement in strength.


Workout with a Friend

Whether you are new to exercise or a veteran of the gym, working out with a friend is a great way to stick to your plan and increase the challenge. Don’t want to complete that last set or move up in weight? With a workout buddy, they will help push your limits. They will urge you to finish that last set and spot you when you want to increase the weight on the bar.


No matter what your goal is for the summer, Flex Fitness Equipment can help you achieve them by the time summer comes around. Stop in to our store today or visit us on our website.


Category: Motivation

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