Assault Bike Workouts for Weight Loss and Lean Muscle Mass

Assault bike workouts are a great way to get in a high-intensity workout without putting too much stress on your joints.

If you’re looking for a workout that will push you to your limits and help you burn some serious calories, an assault bike workout is for you. In this blog post, we will explore some of the benefits of assault bike workouts and tips on getting the most out of your workout. So whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, read on to find out everything you need to know about assault bike workouts.

What Is An Assault Bike?

Well as the name suggests, it will definitely assault all the fat cells you have in your body. Plus it is great training for your entire body.

At first glance, it seems like something from the Victorian era with a large front wheel… but it is definitely a thing of the future. 

An assault bike is a type of stationary exercise bike that is used in some CrossFit and other HIIT workouts. The bike has a flywheel in the front, which makes it harder to pedal than a regular exercise bike. The bike also has handlebars that allow you to stand up and jump while pedalling, which adds an extra level of intensity to your workout.

One other difference between an assault bike and a more traditional stationary bike is that the attached fan makes the resistance much harder when you pedal faster. A cardio machine doesn't need a fancy screen to be effective.

How Long Should My Workout On The Assault Bike Be?

The length of your workout is based on how fit you are. If you're new to lifting and improving your endurance, a good place to start is 10-12 minutes. For someone who trains regularly, 15-20 minutes is a great way to go. HIIT workouts place higher demands on your body, so going past 30 minutes if you're not thoroughly exhausted is unnecessary. If you reach 30 minutes and don't feel fatigued, try pedalling faster.

Best Assault Bike Workouts

Assuming you're already somewhat familiar with the assault bike, we'll jump right into some workout ideas.

Tabata/Reverse Tabata

Tabata is an interval format workout, which will help you burn calories fast and improve your anaerobic ability. While this bike workout style is tough, rest periods are built-in to give your energy a chance to recharge. Reverse Tabata, where you put in 20 seconds of hard work followed by 10 seconds of rest, is also great. As you build endurance, add more rounds to this simple but very effective workout.

Try pedalling at your maximum speed for 10 seconds. Then rest, allowing 20 seconds to pass. Repeat this 8 times. Sounds easy? In theory, it is; but when you're working through 10 seconds of max-effort, you may feel differently!

Pyramid Intervals

Pyramid intervals might seem deceiving because they start with less work (only 10-second sprint sessions followed by 50 seconds of rest!). So deceiving that is almost a pyramid scheme! They quickly increase the length of the sprint while decreasing the amount of rest time. The longest workout is 50 seconds, and you reduce your rest time as you shorten your sprints again. Complete one 11-minute round, pedal at a recovery pace for 5 minutes, and then do the intervals again.

Air Bike Rounds for Time

Rounds for time (RFT) is a CrossFit term that describes a workout in which you try to complete as many rounds of an exercise routine as possible within the allotted time. For both of these exercises, you'll spend part of the time on an air bike and then move on to performing the other exercises.

For the next round, hop back on your bike and pedal as fast as you can for 40 seconds. When that time is up, hop off your bike to complete 12 push-ups, 10 mountain climbers, 10 jump squats, and 10 jumping jacks. Once you wrap up with the jumping jacks, round 2 is complete. Hop back on your bike for round 3 and repeat this list of exercises again. See how quickly you can complete all 8 rounds.

Add Burpees to the Mix

You can make any biking workout more challenging by adding burpees. This timed interval workout has you cycling for 5 minutes at your highest intensity, gradually increasing the number of burpees as you go. We've programmed this for 30 minutes, but you can change the length or difficulty.

What are the Benefits of Using an Assault Bike?

Cardio training that can actually help you build better muscle mass? Let’s see some of the best benefits of using the assault bike. 

Thanks to the resistance, each of your muscles work harder when using an air bike. Your legs are always in a cycling position and your arms are constantly working in a pushing-pulling motion, meaning that you engage all of your major muscle groups for the duration of your workout. Non-stop engagement combined with resistance equals more muscle growth.

Assault These Stubborn Fats

You can't spot target your problem areas in a workout like spot taping for weight loss, but you can use HIIT as an effective tool to lose your fat by increasing the intensity and duration of workouts. One study has shown that HIIT reduces more abdominal fat than other forms of low-intensity cardio, such as jogging. By targeting the anaerobic system with intense bouts of exercise, you'll burn more calories and end up with a firmer physique sooner. For those trying to lose weight, HIIT is an excellent option; with its increase in metabolism keeping you energised even after your workout, it will keep cravings at bay.

Your Cardiovascular System Will Thank You!

While you pedal the air bike, your major muscle groups work hard against resistance to keep your heart working just as hard. By improving your endurance, you can get more oxygen to your muscles, and push yourself faster. This strategy lets you keep building your heart muscles while avoiding plateaus.

Is It Worth Trying Assault Bike Exercises?

There you have it — three assault bike workouts that will help you get in shape and improve your fitness level. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned athlete, these workouts will challenge you and help you see results. So go ahead and give them a try! And if you need more motivation, remember that the benefits of an assault bike workout extend beyond just physical health — they can also improve your mental well-being.

Is An Assault Bike Good For Weight Loss?

Yes, an assault bike is good for weight loss because it is a great cardio workout. It gets your heart rate up and burns a lot of calories. You can actually burn 80 calories in just one minute. 

How Many Calories Can You Burn On An Assault Bike In 30 Minutes?

The number of calories you can burn on an assault bike in 30 minutes varies based on how much effort you put into the workout. Plus it depends on your overall body mass. An average person that weighs 60 kilograms can burn up to 315 calories in 30 minutes.

How Long Does It Take To Do 500 Calories On An Assault Bike?

Assuming you are talking about burning 500 calories on an assault bike, it would take approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour.